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Suzana Lima is originally from Brazil, working as an international designer of cross stitch patterns and author of the book "MANUAL DO PONTO CRUZ - TÉCNICA DO AVESSO PERFEITO", which teaches the tidy back techinique, and owns all the copyrights of the method.


Currently she is designing for the European publisher TUVA PUBLISHING with two books to be published in 2018.



She is also producing designs for DMC KANAVICE magazines in Turkey and JUST CROSS STITCH in the United States.


SUZANA LIMA is a brand created to promote the works and products of the designer, artisan and author Suzana de Oliveira Lima.


Suzana Lima started her adventure with cross stitch in 1994 when she noticed a neat back cross stitch work for the first time. Being herself a perfectionist, she began her quest for literature and courses that taught that technique however  she did not find it in any literature.



She taught the technique to herself and had the idea of creating a method of teaching it to other artisans who had the same desire to improve their embroidery. In 1996 the method was registered with the ownership of Suzana Lima by the National Library. In 1997 the first book was launched by AB publishing house, with a circulation of 20,000 copies, sponsored by Karsten.


Also in 1997 a second edition of the book was published, this time with 50,000 copies in partnership with Anchor (Coats). Both print runs were sold out in the same year. 


The technique was also featured by several areas of the media, among them the TV program "Note and Anote", at the time presented by Ana Maria Braga, a very famous brazilian presenter,  as well as interviews in newspapers and magazines.


IN 2016:


  • Under the management of Daniella Kempf, Suzana returned to the project on a wider international scope; 

  • She became a designer producing exclusive cross stitch patterns;

  • The SUZANA LIMA brand is registered in the United Kingdom;

  • Suzaba Lima became a member of the Association for Creative Industries (AFCI); 

  • Creation of the website

  • Promotion of her work through social media (Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest).


  • IN 2017:


  • Became a designer for the European publisher, TUVA PUBLISHING; 

  • Designs published in magazines in Europe

IN 2018:


  • Designs were sold to the United States to be published in December 2018 by JUST CROSS STITCH MAGAZINE;

  • Two books, with exclusive designs of Suzana Lima, to be published in Europe.


  • Creation of a Portuguese website 

  • Creation of an online course teaching the technique; 

  • Creation of the online shop on ETSY and on our website.


Tutorial no Reino Unido 2017


To expand the Suzana Lima brand in Brazil and around the world.


To raise the Suzana Lima brand to become a benchmark and household name in the cross stitch and craft industry


Seek sponsorship and / or partnerships for the development of our projects. Collaborators may invest in one or more campaigns.


The company Suzana Lima is in search of partnerships for the creation of a new book, "The tidy back technique"  with the addition of new exercises and exclusive designs of the author.


  • The intention is to publish it in several languages and distribute it in favorable markets in Europe and the United States, and South America;

  • The new book will be an updated  version of the old book with a decrease of the texts and an increase of explanatory images. In this way, we will have a greater visual reference, more attractive to our target audience than writing. The reduction of texts from the original method will also facilitate the translation of the book into different languages;

  • The book will also present 20 unique designs of the author, allowing the practice of the technique by the readers.

  • The book will be sold electronically (e-book) and in print in stores specialised  and in handicraft products.

Proposta para novo livro


Creation of an online course in several languages.


  • The course will be made available through our website using the "" platform;

  • Initially it will be available in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish;

  • Will be presented in 3D animation and tutorial video;

  • Members will have access to the same designs available in the printed book via our membership area on our website.

Proposta de animacao 3D


Excluasive designs will be sold to magazines and companies to promote the brand. 


  • Searching for partnerships in the production of cross stitch. kits.

  • The kits will initially be sold online through WWW.ETSY.COM.

  • Virtual Magazine - Creation of an area on designated only for members. Members will have access to monthly charts as well as tips and news.

  • The subscription of the virtual magazine will be offered biannually and annually.


  • Copyright of the tidy back technique - national library under nº 108.339, lv176, fl 38;

  • Access to more than 60 thousand cross stitch embroiderers via facebook;

  • Rare method;

  • Great interest for the technique;

  • Best way to teach the technique;

  • Production of unique and exclusive designs;

  •  Trademark already registered in the UK;

  • Authorship of other books 


Note: Because the "tidy back technique" is still rare, most embroiderers cover the back of their embroidery, usually with the use of frames. The disclosure of the tidy back technique will increase the demand for products for the application of embroidery like towels for example.


  • Possibility of adding the logo of the collaborator in the front or back cover of the printed book;

  • Recommendation of the sponsor product during the online course and in the book;

  • Addition of logo in the presentation of the online course and possibility of addition of logo in the video;

  • Use of sponsor's products in the book images.

© 2013 by Daniella Kempf 

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