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My First Post

Hello everyone, thank you for visiting our page, our blog, our cross stitch life, our craft life, our intense and adventurous life. My name is Daniella Kempf, I am originally from Brazil, currently living in one of the most beautiful places in the world (at least I think so) - Somerset in the UK, surrounded by historic buildings and beautiful countryside, 

It took me a long time to decide to write a blog in English because I was worried about the large amount of grammar mistakes I might make. I knew it might be hard to get my lovely hubby Dan to edit everything :) So please, just ignore the errors when you see them ! :)

First things first.... Ok, let's talk about the main reason for this website/blog: My mum - Suzana Lima, who I obviously love and admire. She worked so hard in life to look after me and my two brothers Marcus Vinicius and Luiz Otavio (long names, I know!).

My mum is one of the most talented and perfectionist people I know. You know those people who can pay close attention to detail and tries hard to get everything looking perfect? She is one of them. She watches a movie and after it finishes she mentions... "I loved that floral lamp behind the character when he went to look for her "... and I think, "which lamp ???" hehehe, the scene would last 2 seconds... well that's what my mum is like :)

And she is like that with Cross Stitch too. Cross Stitch came into our lives by accident... When I was maybe around 9 years old I had a birthday party to go to, but no present to bring to my friend Bia. My mother had  a bit of fabric, some Aida, some threads and lace and a hanger.... She created something similar to this. (At the time she wrote something like "Bia's Lingerie" on it.

It looked so so lovely, and there I went, to my friend's party with a nice gift. 

After the party I went back home with a peace of paper in my hand with a name and telephone number to give to my mum. Of course she was thinking.......... "what has she done!!"... But actually it was a friend of Bia's mother, wanting to order 100 bags like those...... And that is how our Cross Stitch saga began, and the rest is history! Which I will be sharing with you in this blog. I hope you will join me on this journey of recollection and discovery. Daniella xx 

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